EST: Charlize ja Silas on olnud parimad sõbrad sellest ajast peale kui olid mähkmetes. Nad on olnud teineteisesse armunud ajast, mil said 14-aastaseks. See kõik lõppes hommikul, mil nende mõlema mälust olid kadunud kõik ühised mälestused. Mis nendega juhtus ja kuidas tervete noorte elude jagu mälestusi tagasi saada? On see vaeva üleüldse väärt? Vastused neile küsimustele leiate juba raamatust.
ENG: Charlize and Silas have been best friends since they were in diapers. They have been in love with each other since they were 14. It all ended on one morning when both of their minds had suddenly been wiped of all shared memories. What happened to them and how to restore whole young lifetimes worth of memories? Is it even worth the trouble? Answers to these questions will be found in the book.