EST: Teismeline tüdruk Georgia Nicolson kirjutab naljakaid päeviku sissekandeid oma elu seikadest. Iga päev, vahel isegi iga tund, jagab ta oma päeviku lugejatega nii lõbusaid kui ka kurbi eluhetki. Ta kogeb ja peegeldab nii palju erinevaid emotsioone, et lugejal tekib tunne, nagu räägiks ta päris inimesega ja võtaks osa reaalsest elust.
Nagu paljudel teistel noortel, ei ole Georgia elu lihtne: talle meeldib poiss, kes käib kohtingutel teise tüdrukuga. Tal on oma välimuse pärast kompleksid (eriti vastumeelne on talle ta suur nina) ning pidevalt on ta mures oma sõprade ja sõprussuhete pärast. Ta unistab muretu superstaari elust ning samas nuriseb oma vanemate ja metsiku, olgugi, et armsa, kassi pärast.
Ilmselt tunnevad paljud lugejad end ära 15-aastases raamatukangelannas Georgias. Ja kindlasti saavad nad südamest naerda!
ENG: Teenager Georgia Nicolson writes amusing diary notes that describe parts of her life. Every day, or sometimes even every hour, she writes about what happened in her life and shares funny or sad moments with her diary readers. She reflects and experiences so many emotions that the reader feels as if they are talking to a real person and participating in a real life.
Like many other teenagers, Georgia’s life is not easy: she loves a guy who is in a relationship with another girl. She has complexes about her appearance (especially about her big nose) and is constantly worried about her friends and friendships. She dreams about the carefree life of a superstar, while complaining about her parents and her wild but loving cat.
In the 15-year-old Georgia many readers may perhaps recognize themselves. And they will certainly have some hearty laughs!