EST: Selles raamatus otsib surev mees vastuseid oma traagiliselt varalahkunud tütre surma asjus. Kuidas sattus ühe energiliselt ja elurõõmsalt maailmas kulgenud neiu elutu keha talumaja pööningule? Kes olid need inimesed, kes sama hingetuna tema kõrval lebasid? Mis jõud juhtis noored inimesed koleda lõpuni? Neile ja paljudele teistele küsimustele leiab vastused Rein Raua romaanist „Rekonstruktsioon“, mida on praeguseks tõlgitud paljudesse erinevatesse keeltesse.
ENG: In this book, a dying man is searching for answers about the tragically early death of her daughter. How did this once vibrant and happy young woman end up lifeless in a farmhouse attic? Who were the people who layed next to her, just as dead as she was? What force drove them to this end? Answers to these questions, and many others, may be found in Rein Raud’s contemplative novel „The Reconsctruction“, which has been translated into several languages.