EST: Kuigi see raamat on leitav lasteosakonnast, siis selles on head sisu ka vanemate lugejate jaoks. Berliini müüri kerkimisega, leiab 12-aastane Gerta, et see on üleöö lahutanud tema pere kaheks. Lugu räägibki sellest, kuidas Berliini müür on mõjutanud ühe pere elu. Raamat on ajalooline väljamõeldis, kuid annab tunde, et õpid ajalugu paremini tundma. Raamat on sobilik lastele ja noortele, sest ei sisalda vägivalda ega ole toores, ning õpetab ajalugu tundma. See on kindlasti huvipakkuv ka täiskasvanuile.
ENG: Although this book can be found in thechildren’s section of the library, it has interesting content for older readers too. With the rise of the Berlin Wall, twelve-year-old Gerta finds her family divided overnight. This book beautifully shows, how a young girl and her family were affected by the Berlin Wall. The book belongs in the historical fiction genre but it still gives the reader a feeling of learning to know real history a lot better. This book is perfect for younger readers – it does not contain anything too violent or crude and it teaches about the history of the Berlin Wall. It is most likely very interesting for adult readers too.