In Estonia, we are lucky enough to still be able to witness four very distinct seasons – spring, summer, autumn and winter. The most visible aspect of any of these seasons is how trees change. In the springtime, small green buds pop up on their branches and remind us all that nature is about to wake up from its slumber. With the summer sun bearing down on our heads, we find shelter under the vast leafy roofs that trees provide for us. Once autumn rolls around, these leaves turn our forests, parks and gardens into a beautiful show of warm colours. And in the winter, they sleep under snowy pillows, waiting to blossom yet again.
Carme Lemniscates has, with very few words and lovable illustrations, described trees and their importance to all of us. From the way they provide homes to nesting birds, grow fruit or clean our air – trees are essential to all life on planet Earth. The book, very cleverly and with only a few non-preachy sentences, is able to convey its message to younger and older readers. It is a message that needs to be heard.
Published: Walker Studio, 2017
Illustrated: Carme Lemniscates
Find the book in the e-catalogue ESTER.
Kristel Palk
Head of the Department of Literature in Foreign Languages.