Usborne Beginners series provides more than 60 titles. This book gives a good introduction for those, who like nature, especially birds.
In this small book full of facts there is provided owls’ way of life. As owls mostly are nocturnal birds, they have big eyes and pointed beaks. Intresting fact is that they can turn their heads around, so they can see in all directions. In this book there are some chapters about their hunting habits – owls eat mostly mice, voles, small birds etc. Owls fly so quietly that nobody can not hear them.
There are owls of different size in the world. Eagle owls are the biggest ones and accordingly their prey is large too. The pygmy owl is the smallest owl in the world. They hunt very small food like insects and worms. But owls also have enemies themselves. Fronting an enemy they have to make themselves look bigger, so they spread wings. Elf owls pretend to be dead so bigger animals go away.
In Estonia there live twelve species of owls.
As in all books of this series, we can see here superb photos and drawings. At the end of the book there is a glossary about some words and also information about different websites to visit for those who are more interested in owls. There is an index included as well so it is easy to find different pages.
Published: Usborne, 2013
Illustrated: Jenny Cooper and Richard Watson
Check from the e-catalogue ESTER.
Katrin Antonenko
Department of Literature in Foreign Languages