EST: Titus koos sõpradega otsustab kevadise koolivaheaja kuul veeta. See on hea võimalus koolivaheaeg lõbusalt mööda saata. Kuid vaheajast kujuneb ootamatult sündmus, mis jätab sügavad jäljed kõigi noorte ellu.
See on romaan tulevikuühiskonnast, kus inimese ajusse on istutatud pisike kiip, mis hoiab nende mõtted ja tegevused soovitud kursil. Kuu peal nende kiibid lakkavad töötamast tänu häkkerirünnakule. Titus ja sõbrad on pikkadeks päevadeks jäetud üksi iseenda mõtetega.
Selline on kirjaniku nägemus juba väga lähedal luuravast tulevikust.
ENG: For Titus and his friends, it started out like any ordinary trip to the moon – a chance to party during spring break. But the holiday which was meant to be a fun turned out to be something the consequences of which affect all their lives.
This is a novel about futuristic society where people connect to the Internet via feeds implanted in their brains: every movement is tracked, every taste is tallied, whole life is dictated by the feed. On the moon their feeds start to malfunction due to hacker attack and Titus with his friends are left with nothing inside their heads but their own thoughts for days. It is a view of an imagined future that veers unnervingly close to the here and now.