Coraline Jones moves with her parents into a new apartment. Her parents are always busy and therefore she feels that they don’t have any time for her and her wishes aren’t listened to at all.
Coraline is very bored, so she annoys her parents until her father gives his daughter a task – to count all things in the apartment, that are blue, locate hot water boiler + count all the windows and doors. So, the new apartment has 23 windows and 14 doors. 13 doors are open, but for some reason the 14th is locked. Her mother unlocks the door, but it doesn’t lead anywhere – there’s a brick wall behind it. One night something strange lurks in the dark and Coraline follows it to the door, opens it and… the brick wall has vanished. What happens next? Read and find out!
It’s a great horror story with an enlightening aspect about how we should appreciate our loved ones and never take them for granted.
In 2009 a film studio Laika released a stop-motion film, that is based on Neil Gaiman’s book “Coraline”. Although there are few things different in the film than in the book (some things are added and some are left out), it still has this Neil Gaiman’s vibe in it and is well worth watching. You may also listen to the story as an audio-book narrated by Nail Gaiman himself at OverDrive library.
Published: Harper, 2012
Illustrator: Dave McKean
Check from the e-catalogue ESTER.
Helen Reiser
Kalamaja branch library